
Promotion and advertising in linkedin: what is the interest of promoting in this social network, current methods in 2022

Linkedin unites the best companies and professionals in their field. This social network can be effectively used for personnel search and to improve the image of your business.  

Linkedin statistics

The interest in this social network has grown by 190% in the last 12 years. There are a lot of interesting facts that show that it is really profitable to do promotion here. It can be a really great investment for you and your business. First of all, it is because this social network was not originally conceived as an entertainment site. 

There are 810 million members who visit the page for about 17 minutes a day. The rest of the time, they’re developing professionally, they’re learning and growing their business. They have no time to waste on frivolities. They are serious and know how to show their achievements. 

It is worth paying attention to and promoting yourself in this social network of professionally successful people and the best companies in their field. It is necessary to apply effective, working tools and mechanisms. 

How can we help?

First of all, we focus on telling the most important things about the company and the product, some basic, key things. In fact, promotion on Linkedin means creating a unique selling proposition. In these few minutes, it is necessary that the visitor to your page has the right impression of the company. You need to talk to him in the language of numbers and achievements. Then the page in the social network will work, and will perform its task. 

Against the backdrop of the pandemic and the difficult security situation in the world, 2022 was a time when a company’s values became its most important asset. And these values should be reflected in your profile in a concise and succinct manner.

The other value of this year is time. It must be allocated efficiently in the new environment. It is necessary to reject the unimportant and focus on the most important things, on achievements, on functioning in extreme conditions. This may be some volunteer projects, taking care of employees, or helping the army. This trend particularly concerns Ukraine. But we see a worldwide trend, when a problem in the center of Europe becomes a problem for the whole world and business. And the question of how a company responds to a conflict becomes a matter of honor and reputation. 

Secrets of success on Linkedin  

In order for an advertising campaign on Linkedin to be successful, it is necessary to carry out:

  • marketing analysis of the target audience, identifying its needs;
  • creation of an account that will show the values of the company, its reliability, professionalism, philosophy and current methods of work in the market;
  • filling the profile with text, photo and video content;
  • choice of ad type;
  • creation of targeting lists of target audience;
  • launch of the campaign;
  • analysis of the results, conclusions and correction of strategy if necessary. 

Do you want to make yourself known? Book a Linkedin account promotion right now.

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